The whole world is passing through a phase of turmoil and so is every individual human being in one way or the other. After all are we destined to live in anxieties and worries only? Or is there any ways and means by virtue of which we can come out of all these negativity and understand the positivity of Peace?

Where is the message of Peace?

A part of ‘Youth Peace Fest’ team, busy in taking the ‘Message of Peace’ all around the country, approached Bhavan’s College, Andheri, Mumbai to organize and celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21st September by having a unique way of creating awareness amongst the youth (students) through ‘Art for Peace’ and ‘Walk for Peace’ . Here 47 MCA (Master of Computer Applications) students participated in this activity and presented wonderful impressions.

All the students and others were so excited and happy to have a platform for enjoying this wonderful opportunity of expressing their views in ‘Art for Peace’ and showing enthusiasm in ‘Walk for Peace’ that it was worth appreciation & feel.

The desire for peace lies within us, and peace too resides within us.